WiFi problems since upgrading to Easy Peasy 1.6 - Get Satisfaction WiFi problems since upgrading. Ever since I upgraded my ASUS 901 ... This will probably be fixed with our next release (1.7) which is right ...
Wifi not working - Get Satisfaction Go to Administration and start Hardware drivers. Enable the wifi driver: Broadcom . You're right; using the windows driver is more of a work-around ...
EasyPeasy 1.6 disconnects randomely from wifi - Get Satisfaction Can`t use it, but would love to use it. Please help. its the new easypeasy 1.6 who disconnects constantly. 3 people have this problem +1. follow.
Unable to connect with Wifi on Asus Eee 1000H - Get Satisfaction Hi all i just installed the new version of easypeasy but i have problem with the wireless althought it see all the networks it's unable to connect to ...
Easypeasy & I need your help: Wireless not working - Get Satisfaction I have installed Easypeasy 1.6 on my LG X130 notebook. Easypeasy delivers as ... easypeasy 16 · ralink wireless · wifi not enabled. +. (finish).
[ubuntu] WLAN problem with easy peasy - Ubuntu Forums Easy peasy is not recognizing my wireless card. I just installed and have no way of connecting with a LAN cable so i can't download any recent ...
[ubuntu] 10.04 -- eeePC 1000h wi-fi problem [Archive] - Ubuntu Forums have an eeepc 900ha and have the same problem. i tried easypeasy 1.6 and still the wifi does not work. I am currently using jolicloud which is ...
eee 1001ha and linux (EasyPeasy 1.6) and WiFi problems ... 10 Jun 2010 ... Based on my last post, you will know that I am now configuring a new Asus EEE 1001HA laptop. My customer wants linux, so after some ...
Ubunti Wi-Fi password problems | Computerworld 22 May 2009 ... Beats me, the Wi-Fi error messages must still be under development. ... I tried this multiple times, each time booting Easy Peasy from a USB ...
Can't set up wireless connection on Easy Peasy! - Linux Forums.org Hi Guys, I can't seem to get my wireless connection up and running using Easy Peasy. It was working before, but when I moved, I had to have ...